Review: Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen 

Reviewer: E 
Water For Elephants is a fun book about Jacob, lost in life, who jumps a boxcar and runs away with the circus. Hmm, where have we heard that before? But Ms. Gruen did something really great with the plotline and story, making for a very interesting read. One thing I liked was the dual setting- an elderly Jacob reliving his past adventures, and the long flashbacks that were set when he was young in the 1930s. You can glean some knowledge about the Depression era. 

The writing was entertaining. It was free-flowing and captivating. The author overused some certain words, adverbs, and dashes. 

The characters were very relatable and enjoyable to read about. They did make some stupid and dumb decisions, but they were realistically flawed and imperfect. 

All in all, Water For Elephants was a great modern classic title. 4.5/5 stars. 

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